Match Results

Match: 1 Wt: 103 Joe Kemmerer CW def Jarrett Hostetter OF by Decision 6-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 2 Wt: 103 Bill Spencer HLD def Garrett Barbush MC by Decision 11-6 Pts: 2.0
Match: 3 Wt: 103 Brad Pataky CLF def Morgan Baublitz CMV by Decision 2-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 4 Wt: 103 Mike Goslicky TJ def Nate Nauroth QT by Decision 7-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 5 Wt: 103 Coleman Scott WAY def Brian Jones PO by MajorDec 15-3 Pts: 3.0
Match: 6 Wt: 103 Steve Mytych WVW def Quint Eno EZT by Decision 5-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 7 Wt: 103 Mark McKnight CV def Tim Harner NTW by Decision 6-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 8 Wt: 103 Clint Shirk BEA def Alex Krom EA by Decision 2-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 9 Wt: 112 Chad Sportelli EA def Brian Sellers PNB by Decision 5-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 10 Wt: 112 Mike Ciotti GL def Kyle Keane BFD by Decision 5-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 11 Wt: 112 Sean Clair PLM def Casey Moore CMN by Decision 12-8 Pts: 2.0
Match: 12 Wt: 112 Jared Royer CC def Nick Collins MET by Decision 5-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 13 Wt: 112 Jeremy Griffith BER def Shaun Sehar CD by Decision 6-4 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 14 Wt: 112 Chad Maggi CM def Matt McClellan OC by Decision 7-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 15 Wt: 112 Drew Headlee WAY def Jermaine Jones WCH by Fall 3:15 Pts: 4.0
Match: 16 Wt: 112 Jamie Thomas CMV def Mike Malaney MIL by Decision 5-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 17 Wt: 119 Mike Sees SKY def Donald Jones GBS by Decision 11-8OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 18 Wt: 119 Clint Collins UM def Chris Ramos GM by Decision 8-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 19 Wt: 119 Dave Morgan WS def Reimark Neidemeier WAY by MajorDec 13-4 Pts: 3.0
Match: 20 Wt: 119 Charles Griffin RDG def Teddy Adams CLF by Decision 6-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 21 Wt: 119 Todd Mowrey TV def Bart Wylie SV by MajorDec 11-0 Pts: 3.0
Match: 22 Wt: 119 Eric Frick NAZ def Sonny Phillip CHI by Decision 11-7 Pts: 2.0
Match: 23 Wt: 119 Tim Haas CC def Nick Piotrowski AG by Fall 2:43 Pts: 4.0
Match: 24 Wt: 119 Jeff Breese MCG def Joe Ciampoli ALT by Decision 5-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 25 Wt: 125 Brian Sticca GBS def Tyler Jones KEN by Decision 9-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 26 Wt: 125 Mark Rusak MLB def Nick Stoltz DUB by Decision 5-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 27 Wt: 125 Scott Hutton CV def Darren Murray CD by Decision 2-1 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 28 Wt: 125 Jay Morrison WH def Ryan Carroll WIS by Decision 15-9 Pts: 2.0
Match: 29 Wt: 125 Matt Ciasulli EA def Aaron Kitchel WRN by Fall :59 Pts: 4.0
Match: 30 Wt: 125 Mark Throckmort WAY def Corey Packer LS by MajorDec 17-5 Pts: 3.0
Match: 31 Wt: 125 Jeff Ruffini KA def Nick Nauroth QT by MajorDec 14-5 Pts: 3.0
Match: 32 Wt: 125 Joe Provini NAZ def Mark Fisher BEA by Decision 3-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 33 Wt: 130 Brian Baglio RL def Mike Reish BEL by Decision 6-1 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 34 Wt: 130 Jeff Ecklof NH def Mark Powell TRY by Decision 9-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 35 Wt: 130 Brandon Murray SKY def Dan Geib SOD by Decision 4-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 36 Wt: 130 Jon Stovich GL def Jason Carlin TV by Decision 10-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 37 Wt: 130 Chad Seybold WAY def Rick McLaughlin WCH by Decision 11-10 Pts: 2.0
Match: 38 Wt: 130 Brock Hoffman GM def Micheal Perinotti WH by Decision 3-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 39 Wt: 130 Doug Surra STM def Tom Picarsic PT by Decision 2-2 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 40 Wt: 130 Mike Bires MC def Pat O'Brien GV by Decision 6-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 41 Wt: 135 Jarrod King CON def Scott Maney BEA by TechFall 16-0 Pts: 3.5
Match: 42 Wt: 135 Chris Renninger BM def Tom Kniezewski BOY by Fall 1:36 Pts: 4.0
Match: 43 Wt: 135 Scott Heckman BAN def Will Tedder PLM by MajorDec 24-15 Pts: 3.0
Match: 44 Wt: 135 Hayden Harrison GML def Steve Cabot NP by Decision 13-7 Pts: 2.0
Match: 45 Wt: 135 Dale Mills WWL def Brad Forbes DTN by Decision 6-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 46 Wt: 135 Mike Rogers EA def Mark Kirsopp CV by Decision 3-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 47 Wt: 135 Matt Kocher SC def Jared Mowl MON by Decision 7-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 48 Wt: 135 Morgan Forney HFD def Bob Ireland NHY by Decision 7-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 49 Wt: 140 Brad Herman PKL def Matt Barnett HFD by Decision 5-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 50 Wt: 140 Mark Smith UP def Matt Kirsopp CV by Fall 2:21 Pts: 4.0
Match: 51 Wt: 140 Joe Bowman PNB def Kirk Main MCG by Decision 10-8 Pts: 2.0
Match: 52 Wt: 140 Dan Brown EA def Ian Tobin TV by MajorDec 17-8 Pts: 3.0
Match: 53 Wt: 140 Brandon Guenot BEA def Joe Santina RG by Decision 7-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 54 Wt: 140 Ben Young DTN def Brandon Foose BOY by Decision 11-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 55 Wt: 140 Christian Franco WH def David Bretz MEC by Fall 1:50 Pts: 4.0
Match: 56 Wt: 140 Zack Maier CM def Bryan Kuhn EM by MajorDec 14-6 Pts: 3.0
Match: 57 Wt: 145 Mike Dimotsis NP def Brendon Steele CM by Decision 5-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 58 Wt: 145 Matt Storniolo SC def Nick Rock EPH by Decision 4-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 59 Wt: 145 Eric Fisher BEA def Mark Murphy NOR by Decision 7-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 60 Wt: 145 Scott Morgan TRY def Bobby Zuber NH by MajorDec 13-3 Pts: 3.0
Match: 61 Wt: 145 John-Henry Zarzycki PTV def Jim Wilkinson MTP by Decision 4-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 62 Wt: 145 Chad Sutliff CL def Ed Scholtz WIS by Decision 7-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 63 Wt: 145 Andy Hoffman SKY def Taylor Letters SA by Decision 7-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 64 Wt: 145 Luke Stauffer EZT def Jake Rathon DTN by Decision 1-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 65 Wt: 152 Brandon Hill NP def Kyle Huddle PKL by Decision 6-4 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 66 Wt: 152 Adam Brochetti KIT def Justin Snyder TV by Fall 3:50 Pts: 4.0
Match: 67 Wt: 152 Nathan Galloway SC def Mickey Moran SA by Fall 3:16 Pts: 4.0
Match: 68 Wt: 152 Matt Lear EA def Zach Brower BOY by MajorDec 13-1 Pts: 3.0
Match: 69 Wt: 152 Albert Miles CM def Neil Bretz CMV by Decision 8-6 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 70 Wt: 152 Mike Lebow SF def Nathan Smith IV by Decision 5-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 71 Wt: 152 Seth Martin SEL def Dave Schreiner WT by MajorDec 14-4 Pts: 3.0
Match: 72 Wt: 152 John Ptak AG def Anthony Angeline LS by Decision 8-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 73 Wt: 160 Jake Herbert NA def Matt Fetzer IV by Decision 6-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 74 Wt: 160 Joe Ammendola WIS def Brandon Kauffman PM by Fall 4:35 Pts: 4.0
Match: 75 Wt: 160 Jeremy Hart SC def Zach Keller GM by Decision 9-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 76 Wt: 160 Stephen Breese MCG def Jeremiah Mensinger BER by Decision 8-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 77 Wt: 160 Josh Arnone HD def Matt Waterman CAR by Decision 8-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 78 Wt: 160 Zac Fryling NP def Logan Downes V by MajorDec 14-4 Pts: 3.0
Match: 79 Wt: 160 Ryan Sheehan MT def Bill Hunt NHY by Decision 6-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 80 Wt: 160 Dave Gardner NWN def Nick Guida PKL by Decision 3-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 81 Wt: 171 Doran Heist MDV def Eric Cassidy NA by Decision 7-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 82 Wt: 171 Steve Borja GS def Mike Heist PKL by Fall :44 Pts: 4.0
Match: 83 Wt: 171 James Yonushonis PO def Josh Haines NH by Fall 6:09 Pts: 4.0
Match: 84 Wt: 171 Jason Jones PT def Kraig Feldman CBE by Fall 5:21 Pts: 4.0
Match: 85 Wt: 171 Josh Weitzel OF def Steve Wagers TRY by Decision 8-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 86 Wt: 171 Mike Metzger GM def Adam Nyman BEA by Decision 6-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 87 Wt: 171 Nick Kozar DA def Kyle Narkiewicz WAR by Decision 8-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 88 Wt: 171 John Steiner FDM def Sean Slingsby PNR by Decision 8-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 89 Wt: 189 Tim Meyers CMN def Brandon Kelly SL by Fall 4:12 Pts: 4.0
Match: 90 Wt: 189 Matt Cassidy PLM def AJ Cummings WAR by Decision 3-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 91 Wt: 189 Adam Lopiccolo SUS def Nate Santelli CM by Fall :21 Pts: 4.0
Match: 92 Wt: 189 Mike Liberto LIB def Brian Dunlap MN by MajorDec 16-3 Pts: 3.0
Match: 93 Wt: 189 Jon Oplinger NH def Marcus Platco SF by Decision 10-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 94 Wt: 189 Scott McKillop KA def Nick Voelker ECP by MajorDec 19-7 Pts: 3.0
Match: 95 Wt: 189 Paul Weibel QT def Marc Decker SC by Decision 7-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 96 Wt: 189 Philip Davis HBG def Dan Boden GW by MajorDec 13-0 Pts: 3.0
Match: 97 Wt: 275 Ryan Marovich EM def Matt Burkholder EPH by Decision 6-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 98 Wt: 275 Drew Feldman WVW def Eric Deliere MCG by MajorDec 12-3 Pts: 3.0
Match: 99 Wt: 275 Geoff Donahue NHY def Joel Yoder BEA by Decision 3-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 100 Wt: 275 Tom Parks NA def Zach Sheaffer CMV by Fall 1:46 Pts: 4.0
Match: 101 Wt: 275 Bob Kail PTS def Doug Weidner PNB by Decision 5-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 102 Wt: 275 JR Sutter PUX def Josh Evans PTV by Decision 4-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 103 Wt: 275 Tyler Rees NOR def Joey Attieh WH by Fall :46 Pts: 4.0
Match: 104 Wt: 275 Ken McDonald TRY def Adam Parcell IB by MajorDec 13-5 Pts: 3.0
Match: 105 Wt: 103 Garrett Barbush MC def Jarrett Hostetter OF by Decision 8-5 Pts: 1.0
Match: 106 Wt: 103 Nate Nauroth QT def Morgan Baublitz CMV by Decision 2-0 Pts: 1.0
Match: 107 Wt: 103 Brian Jones PO def Quint Eno EZT by Decision 5-2 Pts: 1.0
Match: 108 Wt: 103 Tim Harner NTW def Alex Krom EA by Decision 8-3 Pts: 1.0
Match: 109 Wt: 112 Brian Sellers PNB def Kyle Keane BFD by Decision 10-4 Pts: 1.0
Match: 110 Wt: 112 Nick Collins MET def Casey Moore CMN by Decision 5-3 Pts: 1.0
Match: 111 Wt: 112 Shaun Sehar CD def Matt McClellan OC by Decision 8-4 Pts: 1.0
Match: 112 Wt: 112 Jermaine Jones WCH def Mike Malaney MIL by Decision 7-3 Pts: 1.0
Match: 113 Wt: 119 Chris Ramos GM def Donald Jones GBS by Fall 1:47 Pts: 3.0
Match: 114 Wt: 119 Reimark Neidemeier WAY def Teddy Adams CLF by TechFall 15-0 Pts: 2.5
Match: 115 Wt: 119 Sonny Phillip CHI def Bart Wylie SV by MajorDec 17-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 116 Wt: 119 Joe Ciampoli ALT def Nick Piotrowski AG by Decision 14-7 Pts: 1.0
Match: 117 Wt: 125 Nick Stoltz DUB def Tyler Jones KEN by Decision 5-0 Pts: 1.0
Match: 118 Wt: 125 Darren Murray CD def Ryan Carroll WIS by Decision 8-2 Pts: 1.0
Match: 119 Wt: 125 Aaron Kitchel WRN def Corey Packer LS by MajorDec 12-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 120 Wt: 125 Nick Nauroth QT def Mark Fisher BEA by Decision 2-1 Pts: 1.0
Match: 121 Wt: 130 Mike Reish BEL def Mark Powell TRY by Decision 2-1 OT Pts: 1.0
Match: 122 Wt: 130 Dan Geib SOD def Jason Carlin TV by Decision 7-2 Pts: 1.0
Match: 123 Wt: 130 Micheal Perinotti WH def Rick McLaughlin WCH by Decision 7-4 Pts: 1.0
Match: 124 Wt: 130 Tom Picarsic PT def Pat O'Brien GV by Decision 3-2 Pts: 1.0
Match: 125 Wt: 135 Tom Kniezewski BOY def Scott Maney BEA by Decision 4-2 Pts: 1.0
Match: 126 Wt: 135 Will Tedder PLM def Steve Cabot NP by Decision 7-3 Pts: 1.0
Match: 127 Wt: 135 Brad Forbes DTN def Mark Kirsopp CV by MajorDec 11-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 128 Wt: 135 Jared Mowl MON def Bob Ireland NHY by MajorDec 15-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 129 Wt: 140 Matt Barnett HFD def Matt Kirsopp CV by Decision 9-2 Pts: 1.0
Match: 130 Wt: 140 Kirk Main MCG def Ian Tobin TV by Decision 12-7 Pts: 1.0
Match: 131 Wt: 140 Joe Santina RG def Brandon Foose BOY by Decision 5-2 Pts: 1.0
Match: 132 Wt: 140 Bryan Kuhn EM def David Bretz MEC by Decision 10-9 Pts: 1.0
Match: 133 Wt: 145 Nick Rock EPH def Brendon Steele CM by Decision 7-1 Pts: 1.0
Match: 134 Wt: 145 Bobby Zuber NH def Mark Murphy NOR by Decision 10-4 Pts: 1.0
Match: 135 Wt: 145 Ed Scholtz WIS def Jim Wilkinson MTP by Decision 2-1 OT Pts: 1.0
Match: 136 Wt: 145 Taylor Letters SA def Jake Rathon DTN by MajorDec 11-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 137 Wt: 152 Kyle Huddle PKL def Justin Snyder TV by Decision 8-2 Pts: 1.0
Match: 138 Wt: 152 Zach Brower BOY def Mickey Moran SA by Decision 2-2 OT Pts: 1.0
Match: 139 Wt: 152 Neil Bretz CMV def Nathan Smith IV by Decision 10-5 Pts: 1.0
Match: 140 Wt: 152 Anthony Angeline LS def Dave Schreiner WT by Decision 14-7 Pts: 1.0
Match: 141 Wt: 160 Brandon Kauffman PM def Matt Fetzer IV by Decision 13-6 Pts: 1.0
Match: 142 Wt: 160 Jeremiah Mensinger BER def Zach Keller GM by Decision 8-6 OT Pts: 1.0
Match: 143 Wt: 160 Logan Downes V def Matt Waterman CAR by Decision 6-4 Pts: 1.0
Match: 144 Wt: 160 Nick Guida PKL def Bill Hunt NHY by Decision 4-0 Pts: 1.0
Match: 145 Wt: 171 Eric Cassidy NA def Mike Heist PKL by Decision 5-2 Pts: 1.0
Match: 146 Wt: 171 Josh Haines NH def Kraig Feldman CBE by MajorDec 16-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 147 Wt: 171 Adam Nyman BEA def Steve Wagers TRY by Decision 12-9 Pts: 1.0
Match: 148 Wt: 171 Sean Slingsby PNR def Kyle Narkiewicz WAR by Fall 1:30 Pts: 3.0
Match: 149 Wt: 189 AJ Cummings WAR def Brandon Kelly SL by Default INJ Pts: 3.0
Match: 150 Wt: 189 Brian Dunlap MN def Nate Santelli CM by Decision 10-4 Pts: 1.0
Match: 151 Wt: 189 Nick Voelker ECP def Marcus Platco SF by Decision 1-0 Pts: 1.0
Match: 152 Wt: 189 Dan Boden GW def Marc Decker SC by Decision 8-1 Pts: 1.0
Match: 153 Wt: 275 Eric Deliere MCG def Matt Burkholder EPH by Decision 4-2 OT Pts: 1.0
Match: 154 Wt: 275 Zach Sheaffer CMV def Joel Yoder BEA by Decision 1-0 Pts: 1.0
Match: 155 Wt: 275 Doug Weidner PNB def Josh Evans PTV by Decision 3-1 Pts: 1.0
Match: 156 Wt: 275 Joey Attieh WH def Adam Parcell IB by Decision 10-3 Pts: 1.0
Match: 157 Wt: 103 Bill Spencer HLD def Joe Kemmerer CW by Fall 5:59 Pts: 7.0
Match: 158 Wt: 103 Brad Pataky CLF def Mike Goslicky TJ by Decision 14-8 Pts: 5.0
Match: 159 Wt: 103 Coleman Scott WAY def Steve Mytych WVW by Decision 5-1 Pts: 5.0
Match: 160 Wt: 103 Mark McKnight CV def Clint Shirk BEA by Decision 6-5 Pts: 5.0
Match: 161 Wt: 112 Mike Ciotti GL def Chad Sportelli EA by Decision 1-0 Pts: 5.0
Match: 162 Wt: 112 Jared Royer CC def Sean Clair PLM by Decision 6-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 163 Wt: 112 Chad Maggi CM def Jeremy Griffith BER by Decision 3-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 164 Wt: 112 Drew Headlee WAY def Jamie Thomas CMV by Decision 3-1 Pts: 5.0
Match: 165 Wt: 119 Mike Sees SKY def Clint Collins UM by Decision 7-6 Pts: 5.0
Match: 166 Wt: 119 Dave Morgan WS def Charles Griffin RDG by Fall 1:25 Pts: 7.0
Match: 167 Wt: 119 Eric Frick NAZ def Todd Mowrey TV by Decision 4-3 Pts: 5.0
Match: 168 Wt: 119 Tim Haas CC def Jeff Breese MCG by Decision 7-1 Pts: 5.0
Match: 169 Wt: 125 Brian Sticca GBS def Mark Rusak MLB by Decision 9-3 Pts: 5.0
Match: 170 Wt: 125 Jay Morrison WH def Scott Hutton CV by Decision 8-5 Pts: 5.0
Match: 171 Wt: 125 Matt Ciasulli EA def Mark Throckmort WAY by Fall 3:18 Pts: 7.0
Match: 172 Wt: 125 Joe Provini NAZ def Jeff Ruffini KA by Decision 4-3 Pts: 5.0
Match: 173 Wt: 130 Brian Baglio RL def Jeff Ecklof NH by Decision 7-6 OT Pts: 5.0
Match: 174 Wt: 130 Jon Stovich GL def Brandon Murray SKY by Decision 5-4 Pts: 5.0
Match: 175 Wt: 130 Chad Seybold WAY def Brock Hoffman GM by Decision 9-7 OT Pts: 5.0
Match: 176 Wt: 130 Doug Surra STM def Mike Bires MC by Decision 3-1 Pts: 5.0
Match: 177 Wt: 135 Jarrod King CON def Chris Renninger BM by Decision 4-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 178 Wt: 135 Scott Heckman BAN def Hayden Harrison GML by Fall 3:37 Pts: 7.0
Match: 179 Wt: 135 Mike Rogers EA def Dale Mills WWL by Decision 8-7 Pts: 5.0
Match: 180 Wt: 135 Matt Kocher SC def Morgan Forney HFD by MajorDec 10-2 Pts: 6.0
Match: 181 Wt: 140 Mark Smith UP def Brad Herman PKL by Decision 3-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 182 Wt: 140 Dan Brown EA def Joe Bowman PNB by Decision 8-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 183 Wt: 140 Brandon Guenot BEA def Ben Young DTN by Decision 9-5 Pts: 5.0
Match: 184 Wt: 140 Christian Franco WH def Zack Maier CM by MajorDec 11-2 Pts: 6.0
Match: 185 Wt: 145 Matt Storniolo SC def Mike Dimotsis NP by TechFall 17-0 Pts: 6.5
Match: 186 Wt: 145 Eric Fisher BEA def Scott Morgan TRY by Decision 7-6 Pts: 5.0
Match: 187 Wt: 145 John-Henry Zarzycki PTV def Chad Sutliff CL by Decision 5-3 Pts: 5.0
Match: 188 Wt: 145 Luke Stauffer EZT def Andy Hoffman SKY by Decision 12-7 Pts: 5.0
Match: 189 Wt: 152 Adam Brochetti KIT def Brandon Hill NP by Decision 4-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 190 Wt: 152 Nathan Galloway SC def Matt Lear EA by Decision 3-3 OT Pts: 5.0
Match: 191 Wt: 152 Albert Miles CM def Mike Lebow SF by Decision 7-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 192 Wt: 152 Seth Martin SEL def John Ptak AG by MajorDec 11-2 Pts: 6.0
Match: 193 Wt: 160 Jake Herbert NA def Joe Ammendola WIS by Decision 7-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 194 Wt: 160 Jeremy Hart SC def Stephen Breese MCG by MajorDec 12-4 Pts: 6.0
Match: 195 Wt: 160 Zac Fryling NP def Josh Arnone HD by MajorDec 16-5 Pts: 6.0
Match: 196 Wt: 160 Dave Gardner NWN def Ryan Sheehan MT by Decision 4-3 Pts: 5.0
Match: 197 Wt: 171 Steve Borja GS def Doran Heist MDV by Decision 4-3 Pts: 5.0
Match: 198 Wt: 171 James Yonushonis PO def Jason Jones PT by Decision 6-5 Pts: 5.0
Match: 199 Wt: 171 Josh Weitzel OF def Mike Metzger GM by Fall :47 Pts: 7.0
Match: 200 Wt: 171 John Steiner FDM def Nick Kozar DA by Decision 7-6 Pts: 5.0
Match: 201 Wt: 189 Matt Cassidy PLM def Tim Meyers CMN by Decision 5-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 202 Wt: 189 Adam Lopiccolo SUS def Mike Liberto LIB by Decision 6-4 OT Pts: 5.0
Match: 203 Wt: 189 Jon Oplinger NH def Scott McKillop KA by Decision 9-5 Pts: 5.0
Match: 204 Wt: 189 Philip Davis HBG def Paul Weibel QT by Decision 6-0 Pts: 5.0
Match: 205 Wt: 275 Drew Feldman WVW def Ryan Marovich EM by Decision 7-5 Pts: 5.0
Match: 206 Wt: 275 Tom Parks NA def Geoff Donahue NHY by Decision 7-1 Pts: 5.0
Match: 207 Wt: 275 Bob Kail PTS def JR Sutter PUX by Fall 2:19 Pts: 7.0
Match: 208 Wt: 275 Tyler Rees NOR def Ken McDonald TRY by Decision 7-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 209 Wt: 103 Clint Shirk BEA def Garrett Barbush MC by Decision 5-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 210 Wt: 103 Nate Nauroth QT def Steve Mytych WVW by Decision 3-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 211 Wt: 103 Mike Goslicky TJ def Brian Jones PO by Decision 5-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 212 Wt: 103 Tim Harner NTW def Joe Kemmerer CW by Decision 3-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 213 Wt: 112 Brian Sellers PNB def Jamie Thomas CMV by Decision 9-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 214 Wt: 112 Jeremy Griffith BER def Nick Collins MET by Decision 3-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 215 Wt: 112 Sean Clair PLM def Shaun Sehar CD by Decision 1-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 216 Wt: 112 Chad Sportelli EA def Jermaine Jones WCH by Decision 3-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 217 Wt: 119 Chris Ramos GM def Jeff Breese MCG by Decision 5-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 218 Wt: 119 Reimark Neidemeier WAY def Todd Mowrey TV by Fall 2:46 Pts: 4.0
Match: 219 Wt: 119 Sonny Phillip CHI def Charles Griffin RDG by Decision 15-10 Pts: 2.0
Match: 220 Wt: 119 Joe Ciampoli ALT def Clint Collins UM by Decision 6-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 221 Wt: 125 Jeff Ruffini KA def Nick Stoltz DUB by Decision 6-2 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 222 Wt: 125 Darren Murray CD def Mark Throckmort WAY by Decision 5-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 223 Wt: 125 Scott Hutton CV def Aaron Kitchel WRN by MajorDec 17-7 Pts: 3.0
Match: 224 Wt: 125 Mark Rusak MLB def Nick Nauroth QT by Decision 8-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 225 Wt: 130 Mike Bires MC def Mike Reish BEL by Decision 6-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 226 Wt: 130 Brock Hoffman GM def Dan Geib SOD by Decision 6-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 227 Wt: 130 Micheal Perinotti WH def Brandon Murray SKY by Decision 6-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 228 Wt: 130 Jeff Ecklof NH def Tom Picarsic PT by Decision 5-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 229 Wt: 135 Tom Kniezewski BOY def Morgan Forney HFD by Decision 2-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 230 Wt: 135 Will Tedder PLM def Dale Mills WWL by Decision 7-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 231 Wt: 135 Brad Forbes DTN def Hayden Harrison GML by TechFall 17-2 Pts: 3.5
Match: 232 Wt: 135 Chris Renninger BM def Jared Mowl MON by Decision 5-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 233 Wt: 140 Matt Barnett HFD def Zack Maier CM by Decision 9-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 234 Wt: 140 Kirk Main MCG def Ben Young DTN by MajorDec 9-1 Pts: 3.0
Match: 235 Wt: 140 Joe Bowman PNB def Joe Santina RG by Decision 3-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 236 Wt: 140 Brad Herman PKL def Bryan Kuhn EM by TechFall 15-0 Pts: 3.5
Match: 237 Wt: 145 Andy Hoffman SKY def Nick Rock EPH by Decision 9-6 Pts: 2.0
Match: 238 Wt: 145 Bobby Zuber NH def Chad Sutliff CL by Decision 4-2 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 239 Wt: 145 Scott Morgan TRY def Ed Scholtz WIS by Decision 9-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 240 Wt: 145 Taylor Letters SA def Mike Dimotsis NP by Decision 6-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 241 Wt: 152 Kyle Huddle PKL def John Ptak AG by Fall 2:11 Pts: 4.0
Match: 242 Wt: 152 Zach Brower BOY def Mike Lebow SF by Decision 4-2 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 243 Wt: 152 Matt Lear EA def Neil Bretz CMV by MajorDec 11-3 Pts: 3.0
Match: 244 Wt: 152 Anthony Angeline LS def Brandon Hill NP by Decision 10-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 245 Wt: 160 Brandon Kauffman PM def Ryan Sheehan MT by Decision 7-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 246 Wt: 160 Josh Arnone HD def Jeremiah Mensinger BER by Decision 3-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 247 Wt: 160 Stephen Breese MCG def Logan Downes V by Decision 2-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 248 Wt: 160 Nick Guida PKL def Joe Ammendola WIS by Decision 3-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 249 Wt: 171 Eric Cassidy NA def Nick Kozar DA by Decision 3-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 250 Wt: 171 Josh Haines NH def Mike Metzger GM by Decision 7-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 251 Wt: 171 Adam Nyman BEA def Jason Jones PT by MajorDec 10-2 Pts: 3.0
Match: 252 Wt: 171 Doran Heist MDV def Sean Slingsby PNR by Decision 12-8OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 253 Wt: 189 Paul Weibel QT def AJ Cummings WAR by Decision 9-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 254 Wt: 189 Brian Dunlap MN def Scott McKillop KA by Decision 4-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 255 Wt: 189 Mike Liberto LIB def Nick Voelker ECP by Decision 8-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 256 Wt: 189 Tim Meyers CMN def Dan Boden GW by Decision 2-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 257 Wt: 275 Eric Deliere MCG def Ken McDonald TRY by Fall 1:40 Pts: 4.0
Match: 258 Wt: 275 JR Sutter PUX def Zach Sheaffer CMV by Decision 1-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 259 Wt: 275 Geoff Donahue NHY def Doug Weidner PNB by Fall 2:54 Pts: 4.0
Match: 260 Wt: 275 Ryan Marovich EM def Joey Attieh WH by Decision 3-1 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 261 Wt: 103 Brad Pataky CLF def Bill Spencer HLD by Decision 7-6 Pts: 11.0
Match: 262 Wt: 103 Coleman Scott WAY def Mark McKnight CV by Decision 4-0 Pts: 11.0
Match: 263 Wt: 112 Mike Ciotti GL def Jared Royer CC by Decision 3-1 Pts: 11.0
Match: 264 Wt: 112 Drew Headlee WAY def Chad Maggi CM by Fall 2:39 Pts: 13.0
Match: 265 Wt: 119 Mike Sees SKY def Dave Morgan WS by Decision 8-4 OT Pts: 11.0
Match: 266 Wt: 119 Tim Haas CC def Eric Frick NAZ by Decision 5-4 Pts: 11.0
Match: 267 Wt: 125 Brian Sticca GBS def Jay Morrison WH by MajorDec 10-0 Pts: 12.0
Match: 268 Wt: 125 Matt Ciasulli EA def Joe Provini NAZ by Fall 4:40 Pts: 13.0
Match: 269 Wt: 130 Brian Baglio RL def Jon Stovich GL by MajorDec 11-1 Pts: 12.0
Match: 270 Wt: 130 Chad Seybold WAY def Doug Surra STM by Decision 4-3 OT Pts: 11.0
Match: 271 Wt: 135 Jarrod King CON def Scott Heckman BAN by Decision 7-5 Pts: 11.0
Match: 272 Wt: 135 Mike Rogers EA def Matt Kocher SC by Decision 4-2 Pts: 11.0
Match: 273 Wt: 140 Dan Brown EA def Mark Smith UP by Decision 5-2 Pts: 11.0
Match: 274 Wt: 140 Christian Franco WH def Brandon Guenot BEA by MajorDec 11-0 Pts: 12.0
Match: 275 Wt: 145 Matt Storniolo SC def Eric Fisher BEA by Decision 2-1 Pts: 11.0
Match: 276 Wt: 145 John-Henry Zarzycki PTV def Luke Stauffer EZT by Decision 6-5 Pts: 11.0
Match: 277 Wt: 152 Nathan Galloway SC def Adam Brochetti KIT by MajorDec 13-4 Pts: 12.0
Match: 278 Wt: 152 Seth Martin SEL def Albert Miles CM by Decision 9-2 Pts: 11.0
Match: 279 Wt: 160 Jake Herbert NA def Jeremy Hart SC by Decision 6-5 Pts: 11.0
Match: 280 Wt: 160 Zac Fryling NP def Dave Gardner NWN by Decision 11-4 Pts: 11.0
Match: 281 Wt: 171 Steve Borja GS def James Yonushonis PO by Decision 6-4 Pts: 11.0
Match: 282 Wt: 171 Josh Weitzel OF def John Steiner FDM by Decision 6-4 Pts: 11.0
Match: 283 Wt: 189 Matt Cassidy PLM def Adam Lopiccolo SUS by Decision 3-2 Pts: 11.0
Match: 284 Wt: 189 Jon Oplinger NH def Philip Davis HBG by Decision 7-5 OT Pts: 11.0
Match: 285 Wt: 275 Tom Parks NA def Drew Feldman WVW by Fall 4:51 Pts: 13.0
Match: 286 Wt: 275 Tyler Rees NOR def Bob Kail PTS by Decision 3-1 OT Pts: 11.0
Match: 287 Wt: 103 Nate Nauroth QT def Clint Shirk BEA by Decision 9-6 Pts: 3.0
Match: 288 Wt: 103 Tim Harner NTW def Mike Goslicky TJ by Decision 7-4 Pts: 3.0
Match: 289 Wt: 112 Brian Sellers PNB def Jeremy Griffith BER by Decision 9-6 Pts: 3.0
Match: 290 Wt: 112 Chad Sportelli EA def Sean Clair PLM by Decision 8-3 Pts: 3.0
Match: 291 Wt: 119 Chris Ramos GM def Reimark Neidemeier WAY by Decision 9-5 Pts: 3.0
Match: 292 Wt: 119 Joe Ciampoli ALT def Sonny Phillip CHI by Decision 6-2 OT Pts: 3.0
Match: 293 Wt: 125 Jeff Ruffini KA def Darren Murray CD by Decision 2-0 Pts: 3.0
Match: 294 Wt: 125 Mark Rusak MLB def Scott Hutton CV by Decision 4-3 Pts: 3.0
Match: 295 Wt: 130 Mike Bires MC def Brock Hoffman GM by Decision 7-5 OT Pts: 3.0
Match: 296 Wt: 130 Jeff Ecklof NH def Micheal Perinotti WH by Decision 3-2 Pts: 3.0
Match: 297 Wt: 135 Will Tedder PLM def Tom Kniezewski BOY by Decision 2-0 Pts: 3.0
Match: 298 Wt: 135 Brad Forbes DTN def Chris Renninger BM by Decision 1-0 Pts: 3.0
Match: 299 Wt: 140 Matt Barnett HFD def Kirk Main MCG by Decision 7-4 Pts: 3.0
Match: 300 Wt: 140 Brad Herman PKL def Joe Bowman PNB by Default INJ Pts: 5.0
Match: 301 Wt: 145 Bobby Zuber NH def Andy Hoffman SKY by Decision 5-2 Pts: 3.0
Match: 302 Wt: 145 Scott Morgan TRY def Taylor Letters SA by Fall 1:44 Pts: 5.0
Match: 303 Wt: 152 Kyle Huddle PKL def Zach Brower BOY by Decision 2-1 Pts: 3.0
Match: 304 Wt: 152 Matt Lear EA def Anthony Angeline LS by Decision 8-1 Pts: 3.0
Match: 305 Wt: 160 Brandon Kauffman PM def Josh Arnone HD by Decision 5-4 OT Pts: 3.0
Match: 306 Wt: 160 Nick Guida PKL def Stephen Breese MCG by Decision 3-2 Pts: 3.0
Match: 307 Wt: 171 Josh Haines NH def Eric Cassidy NA by Decision 8-6 Pts: 3.0
Match: 308 Wt: 171 Doran Heist MDV def Adam Nyman BEA by Decision 4-2 Pts: 3.0
Match: 309 Wt: 189 Paul Weibel QT def Brian Dunlap MN by Fall 2:42 Pts: 5.0
Match: 310 Wt: 189 Mike Liberto LIB def Tim Meyers CMN by Decision 3-2 Pts: 3.0
Match: 311 Wt: 275 Eric Deliere MCG def JR Sutter PUX by Decision 5-4 Pts: 3.0
Match: 312 Wt: 275 Ryan Marovich EM def Geoff Donahue NHY by Decision 6-5 Pts: 3.0
Match: 313 Wt: 103 Bill Spencer HLD def Nate Nauroth QT by Decision 3-1 Pts: 5.0
Match: 314 Wt: 103 Mark McKnight CV def Tim Harner NTW by Decision 2-1 Pts: 5.0
Match: 315 Wt: 112 Jared Royer CC def Brian Sellers PNB by Decision 5-0 Pts: 5.0
Match: 316 Wt: 112 Chad Sportelli EA def Chad Maggi CM by Fall 4:25 Pts: 7.0
Match: 317 Wt: 119 Dave Morgan WS def Chris Ramos GM by TechFall 20-5 Pts: 6.5
Match: 318 Wt: 119 Eric Frick NAZ def Joe Ciampoli ALT by Decision 9-5 Pts: 5.0
Match: 319 Wt: 125 Jay Morrison WH def Jeff Ruffini KA by Decision 5-4 Pts: 5.0
Match: 320 Wt: 125 Mark Rusak MLB def Joe Provini NAZ by MajorDec 11-2 Pts: 6.0
Match: 321 Wt: 130 Mike Bires MC def Jon Stovich GL by Fall 4:58 Pts: 7.0
Match: 322 Wt: 130 Jeff Ecklof NH def Doug Surra STM by Decision 5-3 Pts: 5.0
Match: 323 Wt: 135 Will Tedder PLM def Scott Heckman BAN by Decision 9-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 324 Wt: 135 Matt Kocher SC def Brad Forbes DTN by Decision 5-1 Pts: 5.0
Match: 325 Wt: 140 Mark Smith UP def Matt Barnett HFD by MajorDec 14-6 Pts: 6.0
Match: 326 Wt: 140 Brad Herman PKL def Brandon Guenot BEA by Decision 7-0 Pts: 5.0
Match: 327 Wt: 145 Bobby Zuber NH def Eric Fisher BEA by Decision 12-6 Pts: 5.0
Match: 328 Wt: 145 Luke Stauffer EZT def Scott Morgan TRY by Decision 6-0 Pts: 5.0
Match: 329 Wt: 152 Kyle Huddle PKL def Adam Brochetti KIT by Decision 5-3 Pts: 5.0
Match: 330 Wt: 152 Matt Lear EA def Albert Miles CM by Decision 4-3 Pts: 5.0
Match: 331 Wt: 160 Jeremy Hart SC def Brandon Kauffman PM by Decision 6-4 Pts: 5.0
Match: 332 Wt: 160 Dave Gardner NWN def Nick Guida PKL by Decision 4-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 333 Wt: 171 Josh Haines NH def James Yonushonis PO by Decision 1-1 OT Pts: 5.0
Match: 334 Wt: 171 John Steiner FDM def Doran Heist MDV by Decision 3-2 Pts: 5.0
Match: 335 Wt: 189 Adam Lopiccolo SUS def Paul Weibel QT by Fall 4:11 Pts: 7.0
Match: 336 Wt: 189 Philip Davis HBG def Mike Liberto LIB by MajorDec 13-0 Pts: 6.0
Match: 337 Wt: 275 Eric Deliere MCG def Drew Feldman WVW by Fall 4:58 Pts: 7.0
Match: 338 Wt: 275 Bob Kail PTS def Ryan Marovich EM by Decision 4-1 Pts: 5.0
Match: 339 Wt: 103 Mike Goslicky TJ def Clint Shirk BEA by TechFall 17-2 Pts: 2.5
Match: 340 Wt: 103 Tim Harner NTW def Nate Nauroth QT by Decision 4-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 341 Wt: 103 Mark McKnight CV def Bill Spencer HLD by MajorDec 10-0 Pts: 3.0
Match: 342 Wt: 103 Coleman Scott WAY def Brad Pataky CLF by MajorDec 9-0 Pts: 5.0
Match: 343 Wt: 112 Sean Clair PLM def Jeremy Griffith BER by Decision 1-1 OT Pts: 1.0
Match: 344 Wt: 112 Brian Sellers PNB def Chad Maggi CM by Fall 5:25 Pts: 4.0
Match: 345 Wt: 112 Jared Royer CC def Chad Sportelli EA by Decision 3-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 346 Wt: 112 Drew Headlee WAY def Mike Ciotti GL by Decision 6-3 Pts: 4.0
Match: 347 Wt: 119 Reimark Neidemeier WAY def Sonny Phillip CHI by Decision 4-2 Pts: 1.0
Match: 348 Wt: 119 Chris Ramos GM def Joe Ciampoli ALT by Decision 9-6 Pts: 2.0
Match: 349 Wt: 119 Eric Frick NAZ def Dave Morgan WS by Decision 6-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 350 Wt: 119 Tim Haas CC def Mike Sees SKY by Decision 5-3 Pts: 4.0
Match: 351 Wt: 125 Scott Hutton CV def Darren Murray CD by Decision 7-0 Pts: 1.0
Match: 352 Wt: 125 Jeff Ruffini KA def Joe Provini NAZ by Decision 3-1 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 353 Wt: 125 Jay Morrison WH def Mark Rusak MLB by Decision 6-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 354 Wt: 125 Matt Ciasulli EA def Brian Sticca GBS by Decision 4-2 OT Pts: 4.0
Match: 355 Wt: 130 Micheal Perinotti WH def Brock Hoffman GM by Decision 1-0 Pts: 1.0
Match: 356 Wt: 130 Doug Surra STM def Jon Stovich GL by Forfeit Pts: 4.0
Match: 357 Wt: 130 Jeff Ecklof NH def Mike Bires MC by Decision 3-1 Pts: 2.0
Match: 358 Wt: 130 Brian Baglio RL def Chad Seybold WAY by Fall 2:57 Pts: 6.0
Match: 359 Wt: 135 Tom Kniezewski BOY def Chris Renninger BM by Decision 6-4 OT Pts: 1.0
Match: 360 Wt: 135 Scott Heckman BAN def Brad Forbes DTN by Decision 4-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 361 Wt: 135 Matt Kocher SC def Will Tedder PLM by TechFall 16-0 Pts: 3.5
Match: 362 Wt: 135 Mike Rogers EA def Jarrod King CON by Decision 8-5 Pts: 4.0
Match: 363 Wt: 140 Kirk Main MCG def Joe Bowman PNB by Forfeit Pts: 3.0
Match: 364 Wt: 140 Brandon Guenot BEA def Matt Barnett HFD by Decision 5-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 365 Wt: 140 Brad Herman PKL def Mark Smith UP by Decision 6-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 366 Wt: 140 Christian Franco WH def Dan Brown EA by Decision 6-1 Pts: 4.0
Match: 367 Wt: 145 Taylor Letters SA def Andy Hoffman SKY by Forfeit Pts: 3.0
Match: 368 Wt: 145 Scott Morgan TRY def Eric Fisher BEA by Forfeit Pts: 4.0
Match: 369 Wt: 145 Luke Stauffer EZT def Bobby Zuber NH by Decision 3-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 370 Wt: 145 Matt Storniolo SC def John-Henry Zarzycki PTV by Decision 9-3 Pts: 4.0
Match: 371 Wt: 152 Anthony Angeline LS def Zach Brower BOY by MajorDec 11-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 372 Wt: 152 Albert Miles CM def Adam Brochetti KIT by Decision 6-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 373 Wt: 152 Matt Lear EA def Kyle Huddle PKL by MajorDec 10-2 Pts: 3.0
Match: 374 Wt: 152 Nathan Galloway SC def Seth Martin SEL by Fall 1:44 Pts: 6.0
Match: 375 Wt: 160 Josh Arnone HD def Stephen Breese MCG by Decision 7-4 Pts: 1.0
Match: 376 Wt: 160 Nick Guida PKL def Brandon Kauffman PM by Decision 3-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 377 Wt: 160 Jeremy Hart SC def Dave Gardner NWN by Decision 5-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 378 Wt: 160 Zac Fryling NP def Jake Herbert NA by Decision 9-3 Pts: 4.0
Match: 379 Wt: 171 Adam Nyman BEA def Eric Cassidy NA by MajorDec 11-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 380 Wt: 171 Doran Heist MDV def James Yonushonis PO by Decision 6-4 Pts: 2.0
Match: 381 Wt: 171 Josh Haines NH def John Steiner FDM by Forfeit Pts: 4.0
Match: 382 Wt: 171 Steve Borja GS def Josh Weitzel OF by Decision 5-3 Pts: 4.0
Match: 383 Wt: 189 Tim Meyers CMN def Brian Dunlap MN by Decision 3-2 Pts: 1.0
Match: 384 Wt: 189 Mike Liberto LIB def Paul Weibel QT by Decision 6-5 Pts: 2.0
Match: 385 Wt: 189 Adam Lopiccolo SUS def Philip Davis HBG by Decision 5-0 Pts: 2.0
Match: 386 Wt: 189 Matt Cassidy PLM def Jon Oplinger NH by Decision 4-1 Pts: 4.0
Match: 387 Wt: 275 Geoff Donahue NHY def JR Sutter PUX by MajorDec 14-3 Pts: 2.0
Match: 388 Wt: 275 Ryan Marovich EM def Drew Feldman WVW by Decision 4-2 OT Pts: 2.0
Match: 389 Wt: 275 Bob Kail PTS def Eric Deliere MCG by Decision 3-2 Pts: 2.0
Match: 390 Wt: 275 Tom Parks NA def Tyler Rees NOR by Decision 5-3 Pts: 4.0